Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Design project due tomorrow, I still have the report to write out. I can't believe I did most of the work on my own, and that my team's probably doing the same, despite it being teamwork... But ah well, as long as my tutor doesn't mind and I get it done, right? I only borrowed the concept drawings, cause I'm like the crappiest artist ever.

I strained a muscle at gym yesterday. It fucking hurts every time I laugh, cough, or stretch. Its annoying, I think I'll go to physio tomorrow and get it checked up. No proper sleep for 3 days in a row, and I'm glad for the holiday on Thursday that is Engineering Graduation. Apparently, engineering lecturers in Auckland Uni have like the highest graduation attendance among the rest of the faculties. Its a good thing, regardless, I get to sleep in or shop or study at my own pace. Maybe more sleep than not, but whatever.

Alright, back to my design project report. Ciao~

If I just breathe, let it fill the space between
I'll know everything is alright...
Breathe - Michelle Branch

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