Monday, March 30, 2009

Just hanging on...

It's been a busy week. Especially the weekend, with it being Tessa's birthday, and her party the subsequent night. But hey, I survived, even if I was rather hungover on Sunday. Timmy and I polished off roughly about 750ml of scotch as well as the remaining two-thirds of the cask wine (from Tessa's birthday dinner) we bought. Let's just say, in my case, cask wine and whisky don't mix well. 

I met his bartender at Deschler's who's like, in a band and stuff. I think it's called Suicide Boulevard. He played me a song from them, and I thought it was pretty cool. Didn't manage to google anything up about it though, since I found another band by the same name in the States. I reckon they probably formed recently at any rate. But if I do find 'em, I'll try put up one of their songs. Kinda like 80's rock anthems and stuff.

And oh yeah, David (that's the band bartender guy) made me a drink that he called an Axl Rose. I know, very rockish. But of all things, it was a pretty fruity drink. Quite delicious in all honesty but I think I prefer my martini, made with Tanqueray No. 10. 

My camera's been acting up suddenly. It refuses to turn on properly. I might have to get it sent back in, kinda a shame as well considering how recently I got it. Guts...

I should get some more sleep. Soooo sleepy, slept in like 2 lectures already.

P/S: I really really like Breakeven by The Script. Lovely song.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Safe Trip Home

I've been listening to Dido's latest album recently. Yes, it's call Safe Trip Home... and I like it. The songs seem to have gotten more mature this time, and it's still as mellow as ever. A bit more of a sad touch though.

Timmy's party today/tonight! Yay! I've gotta go now, but I'll be taking pics (I think).

Monday, March 16, 2009

Round the Bays Pt. 2

Alright, I uploaded them all to Facebook. Goddamn Blogger doesn't have a multiple upload tool like Facebook. Gah. Just check 'em out on my page if you want. Links below:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Round the Bays (Pt 1)

This is Part 1 because I left my camera (as well as my other shirt) with Iain, so I wouldn't be uploading 'em photos till tomorrow or something.

Round the Bays was pretty awesome. We congregated in front of Showgirls (yes, that strip club) and distributed the T-shirts and stuff. I might even take a picture of it, I thought it was pretty awesome. Then we got out the mobile Tui couch. It's a pretty poor contraption really, but it steers and brakes, so all good.

Unfortunately, we got delayed from starting because of some random thing, and this was bad, since I started to feel the call of nature. Of course, I held that in, and kept drinking the beers which are omnipresent at all Engineering-related events. 

Eventually, the whole thing started, and yes, John Key (our new Prime Minister, that's who he is) blew the starting horn. And when we went past him, did we do anything? Of course! We sang him one of those drinking songs. Specially for him. We even sang the Engineering drinking song as well. Two songs for him! He should feel proud. The guy just smiled and waved though. I wonder what he thought about the whole thing.

A short amount of time and a short distance later, I decided I couldn't ignore the call of nature and so I ran to a petrol station with Antony's brother. He looks just like Antony, by the way. Unfortunately it was closed, so I was forced to relieve myself in the bushes. But then again, I wasn't the only one. There was a whole line of us too. Those port-a-loos had way too much of a huge queue.

I think a few people (parents) might have been a little scandalised, but they probably should be somewhat used to it now. We did keep our language to a rough minimum, of course, the occasional "motherfucker" and "masturbate" which are present in the drinking songs couldn't be suppressed, but hey, all good. They were probably more scandalised at our running, drinking, pushing the beer trolley, and yelling "Get out of the way! Trolley coming through!" Hehe.

The commentator even made a point to mention us as we crossed the finish line eventually, probably an hour and a half or so. He said something along the lines of us being the noisiest and probably most inebriated. Technically, there was this other group of people, rather old, pushing a trolley with beer too. Pretty cool. We even shared a drinking stop with 'em.

As usual, at the end we had a barbeque, and the traditional rugby league game with Med. As usual, they crushed us, but then again, they have the token Pacific Islanders on their team anyway. Did I mention that some of them are rather vicious? The Med players I mean.

Well, that's it for now. Pics next time, I promise.
I'm awake, I'm awake. And you know what? It's time for Round the Bays!!! I think I'm more or less alright to go now. Stupid cold has finally seen the light of day. Or is starting to see it anyway.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm like feeling the beginnings of a cold. It's annoying. I don't want to be sick. Goddamn Richie. I blame him for passing on his cold to me. Just like I blame him for the cold last year. And the year before that. I always seem to catch it from him every year. Damn.

Oh well. And it's also the day before the Stein. A bad time to be sick indeed. I s'ppose I'll just dose myself with some nasal decongestants and go, then use the weekend to recuperate. Should be fine, hopefully. Oh wait. Round the Bays this Sunday... Oh god... 

I'll figure something out I guess.

Talked to Sam earlier today, and Arnold's party came up. Seems that Luke wasn't Becky's boyfriend. You know, Luke, the guy who asked me if I ever slow danced with another guy. Dude I ended up slow dancing with. Which completely throws some of my assumptions out of the window. Now I wanna know. Damnit. God damn my need to know everything sometimes. And now it's killing me. 

Oh, you don't know what I want to know? I want to know why he asked me that. If I ever slow danced with another guy. ARGH!!!! I'm frustrated.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Arnold's 20th... and subsequent hangover

Well, that was only to be expected I guess. I mean, year after year, in the beginning of March, there's always been this, and so it happens again. As usual, much alcohol was to be had. I didn't take pictures, well because pictures of drunk people aren't fun, and I don't trust me with the cam.

There's not much at all to the night if you neglect the drinking parts. I couldn't hold my alcohol once I got passed a funnel sometime in the night, probably 1am I think. That was a bad idea, especially considering how much I had prior, and especially when beer has always been the thing that always pushes me over. Spirits, no problem, but beer drives me over the edge quickly.

Oh, but hey, there was one random bit. Met this dude Luke, obviously a friend of Arnold's. Anyway, we were sorta talking for awhile, then sometime later (after some drifting here and there for me), we were dancing in the lounge with tons of other people, and his girlfriend was somewhere there too. So like, he suddenly turns to me and asks: "Have you ever slow danced with another guy before?" To cut the long story short, yes, I did slow dance with Luke with him leading, and his girlfriend was watching. I don't think it was a bad thing though, she didn't seem to mind too much =P

But yeah, just thought I'd share. Now I have a hangover to get rid of. And recovery to begin with, if I'm to get in shape for Stein 1 this Thursday.

Monday, March 02, 2009

An Epiphany

Perhaps I drink because I enjoy it. Perhaps I enjoy it because I like it. Perhaps, too, in a very odd sense, I enjoy it as well because it makes me numb. Impervious to hurt. Impervious to sorrow. For that moment, you're invincible. Everything in itself is laughable, everything is not tangible. Being numb is good isn't it?

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The night before

This is a bit of a twofold post, and the title should indicate as much. I went to Iain's house party last night, and tonight is well, the night before I begin classes again. Bummer =(

Iain's house party was pleasant. I got to meet a good amount of our friends before classes began again, which is kinda good too. It also doubled as a great way to end the holidays I guess. We had a barbecue and played Buzz for quite a bit. You know, that sorta stuff you'd do when you don't really want to have a night of mayhem drinking. 

Gotta sleep early tonight and get ready for the early morning gym session, as well as the horrendous lectures that proceed. Oh joy...

Oh yeah, I got myself a new tie today! It was on sale at Farry's ($99) down from $159, so I reckon that's a pretty good deal. I'm also considering these really cool pair of cufflinks from Paul Smith going for $109, but I think I'll hold off spending for a bit. Also, I should be getting my camera tomorrow sometime! Only problem is that I probably wouldn't be around to sign for it, so it might be a while before I collect and use it, especially since I don't really use it during the semester.

Started listening to The Postal Service again. I love Such Great Heights and Nothing Better. Can't explain it, but those two songs are just awesome to my ears. Go give 'em a try if you want, you never know with these things aye? Well, I'm gonna hit the sack. Over and out.