Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I figured I hadn't made a post in quite some time, so I might as well touch base.

I've finally done away with the Instrumentation and Mechanics assignment, although I finished the Mechanics one with only 15 minutes to go before it was due. Whew! Dodged the bullet there. Now all I have to worry about is the programming assignment, which is more like an assignment in theory than anything else. And additionally, which makes it more boring and annoying.

I got myself a summer internship with the university just this morning. I'm extremely stoked about that, and it was extremely fortuituous as well considering that I was just talking to one of my lecturers when he mentioned one of the projects his Masters student was doing. Well, anyway, I've signed myself on that project after he offered it to me, so it's all sweet.

I'm not exactly sure how much scope is being covered, but from what I understand, the project is to develop a working device to deliver controlled physical strains to a thin sheet of a living bone cell culture, thus allowing people with interests in that field to understand how bone remodels itself to varying strains. I personally think it's great. I would have offered to help the Masters student, Casey, with it in my spare time, but unfortunately I still have all this crap loaded on me, and I wouldn't want to commit to helping so early especially with exams coming up. Wouldn't want to leave him all high and dry, you know.

That said, I should probably get to finishing off my programming assignment so I can go to the Stein with a free mind. Peace out.

P/S: Having withdrawal symptoms for martinis. Help!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oooh, the drama...

...that is Gossip Girl. What else did you expect? Yeah, I finally found the time to watch it today. Makes me wanna see the next episode. Random, huh? Whoever thought I'd be one to watch Gossip Girl?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The rest of my test results are out... 79% for Programming, 85% for Mechanics. I guess it's not too bad now, is it?

Stein #4 is not this Thursday, but next Thursday! Yeah! Now I know I have something to look forward to next week when I'm drowning in my MedSci labs and my other miscellaneous labs.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh my god, this seriously takes the cake. Or maybe I find insensitivity amusing.

The Cycle Begins Anew

Yes it does. Monday bloody Monday. A few new breaks to the cycle though...

I skipped MEDSCI lectures today and went to gym instead. Hurrah! That was fun, although I am one lecture short in knowledge of the lungs. Or something. Meh.

I hear there will be a Stein this Thursday. KEEN! So keen to go. Omg omg omg omg I need a break already.

I had to waste money calling this guy's cellphone because he's the Sales Manager for this online company I'm buying a new phone off, and they didn't send me ANY updates whatsoever. That really pisses me off. I mean, seriously, I'm pretty used to buying stuff online now, and I get a response pretty much instantly when they ship my orders over, or if they're out of stock like those fools were. Jeez. I mean, gosh, its not hard to check and tell me if my order is going to be backordered is it? And go ahead and waste a week of my time being slow about it, and only inform me when I check with you, especially when you require my feedback. Gah.

Going for steak this Friday! YAY! And I got 85.7% for MEDSCI! YAY! I'm quite happy.

P/S: I just noticed a slightly excessive use of capitalisation. Oh well. I guess I can live with it.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Really, I do hate my research project. I have to (me and 4 others actually) research the feasibility of creating an ECG device to be implanted in a mouse and write a report. Sounds simple, fun, and easy, I know. Then you get into it, with little background in electronics, and you realise that some things cannot be done that easily. You hit a giant brick wall which requires you to spend hours and hours of fruitless research because the easiest solution is not viable: Steal another company's working ECG device and backengineer it. Damn.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

it's been hectic

I've just finished my last test for quite a while. I've had two, in case you were wondering. MEDSCI 142 (Organ Systems), worth 28% and COMPSYS 202 (Object Oriented Programming), worth 15%. 

I haven't had much time to rest or do anything since the end of the holidays till now. So I mark my moment of freedom with a blog post. 

Summer studentship applications have just begun to open up over here for BME/EngSci. I intend to submit my application once I talk to a few staff members about the viability of a project in tissue engineering. I reckon it'd be great to do a project in that anyway, seeing as that's the field I'm most interested in at the moment. There might be other fields, but I'm not too aware of them. Considering that our lecturers here focus on modelling, instrumentation, and to some extent, neo-metallic materials (or other materials for use in prostheses), I don't really know what else is done in BME.

Pretty tired to be honest. It's been a very long day.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Food and drink?

The holidays are ending... I've still got tons of work, and my study devoted to MEDSCI 142 (test next Wednesday) amounts to just 2 hours. I'm fucked... On the other hand, I guess I've been de-stressing a little. It does help quite a bit, I must say. I've been pretty tired recently.

Although, recently, I've been having sufficiently strong cravings for a nice steak and maybe a bottle of Sam Adams to have with. And additionally, I'm also wanting to have a nice glass of single malt scotch, like Macallan's Fine Oak range or Talisker, or even  Aberlour. Whatever, you know. I just want a good scotch I can appreciate. I'll have to add getting one to my list, after all the other things first though. Like a new cellphone. Hmm, what to get, what to get...

I just read Sandra's post, and even though I had dinner two hours back, I'm getting hungry again looking at the Big Breakfast picture she posted there. ARGH! I'm craving foods.

I think I might probably take Malcolm out for dinner one of these days since he's been so nice recently, and well, I feel like taking him out for a treat. Hmm, the steakhouse down at the Harbour sounds like a good place, ah?

P/S: Off-topic, but recently one of the ladies at the department store downtown gave me a tester for a relatively recent Guerlain fragrance, Guerlain Homme. I must say I quite like it, its got green tea, lime, rum, bergamot, and a few other things. Pretty bland, but still not bad. I still like Mitsuoko and Vetiver by Guerlain more though. Or even Fahrenheit by Christian Dior.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

I hate retards

Really, I do. Why does the Engineering Faculty see fit to let idiots in? WHY? 

I was marking the first year projects for programming, and its HORRIBLE. I can forgive bad commenting, but nonsensical code? Attempts at humour? NO! OH GOD, for the last time, references to the Matrix are not even funny any more.

And don't any of them ever learn that continuously plugging numbers back at the user would only frustrate them? No one really wants to know what they typed into the keyboard when it's still plain visible. And no one wants to see what variables the program is working with either, unless they asked for it! IDIOTS!

The worst one by far was this random chick's one who somehow managed to screw up her output file, and it kept spitting out 2MB files at me, which seemed to grow at a double rate every time I ran it. Seriously. It was at 16MB before I decided I couldn't make head or tail of what she did. At least it's over. I don't even want to think about it anymore.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I've been thinking... *Whoa!* I really have? *World implodes on a massive scale due to paradox*

No, actually, I have been thinking, well, since I was having a conversation with someone I knew about Shadz and stuff last Friday. Turns out they didn't like to hang around some of the first year guys from Engineering because they're "arrogant jocks". Which I got a little offended by. No idea why though.

I'm quite far away to be classified a jock, although I suppose the reason why I fit in so well with them as well as others is because to some extent, I do think like them. I have yet to test this theory of mine, but it does make sense. More sense than me fitting in well with everyone, since I've already picked that theory full of holes, especially after I noted myself omitting certain persons, as well as being almost racist at times. So I'll now go with the "I have the jock mentality" theory. 

Wow, I'm a sad soul. I can't believe I'm thinking about stuff like this.

I better go to gym. Then maybe get down to doing more work. Have fun yeah?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008



Haha, for the masses who wouldn't know what I'm talking about, Field Trip 2 is the (un)official continuation of Field Trip 1 for ENGSCI/BME (Engineering Science & Biomedical Engineering). Like the first field trip, it will involve all of ENGSCI/BME from Year 2, and probably (in itself being an absolute certainty) involve copious amounts of alcohol. Unlike the previous field trip, it will NOT involve visits to job sites, thus freeing up more time to play on the beach, and get drunk. 

The only sad thing this time round is the fact that we're not funded by the Department, since its unofficial and all. But hey, Field Trip 1 was awesome, and Field Trip 2 will be too. And it'll be a fitting end to the exams too. I'm stoked. =)

Strange Things...

It appears that in Japan, anything is possible. Including paid seducers and relationship counselors who help to either break a couple up or reconcile them... Yeah, odd huh? I found this article when I was trawling through the web, over here. I guess its a bit of an interesting read.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Found this on Wondermark.com... Its called #291: In which Notability in determined: