Thursday, April 26, 2007

Me:i love my saute pan
Tom:I love a good saute
Me:who doesnt? they're wonderful things
Tom:They are indeed

Tom:You are my hero gabe

Me:haha, clever
Me: :O omg! you're japanese! or korean! gah.... lemme amend that...
:O omg! you're asian!

Tom:I shall do my best
Me:awesome dude. love ya lots
Tom:And I you gabe
Me:awww, thats sweet

Man, of all the random things to be said in an MSN conversation, I'd say most of my conversations with Tom (or Thomas, whatever) tend to be like this. But its good fun, at least I still keep in touch with people now and then from school and all. Its feels like forever since I left high school now... And Tom's always funny with his Asian accent impersonations. =D

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