Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wrapping Up

And once again, the end of the year has come around, and the new year is staring me in the face, rushing along to collide into me. I think I bring this up often, but I feel it ever more increasingly: Do you ever get that feeling that time just seems to speed up?

I'm serious. The days, months and years are just blurring by so quickly for me it's like I'm 16 one day and 19 the next. Scary, too.

And I still have all these things that I haven't done yet either. But hey, anyway.

2008 was hmm, not a bad year I guess. Probably better than the previous years of my life. It's always great when you can say that, you know, when every year gets better and better. It's almost as if your life is like a bottle of fine wine or something. I definitely had fun, that I can say. And hey, a whole year coming to terms with an insanely hard-to-quash crush can be kinda refreshing on your viewpoints of life ah? I feel rather liberated actually.

I think I kept my drinking under wraps, mostly... Some people I know would beg to differ though, but seriously, with all honesty, I definitely think I kept it under control. I mean, I only had one real slip-up when I drank far too much, started chucking my guts all over the place and had the mother of all hangovers the next day. And it was just that one time too.

So, what am I looking for in 2009? I don't really know to be honest. I think my journey of self-discovery is far from over though. I feel sometimes like I never understand myself in the way I do things, so maybe I should figure it out. Hm, might shop a little less next year too, since I'm finally starting to be happy with my wardrobe. Well, a few more additions can't hurt, but shopping heaps is definitely going to go away, and be replaced by just shopping.

And no, I'm never going to make a resolution to drink less, that never works. But I will think I will be trying to stick to my gym routine this time round, maybe working harder to overcoming that ever-so-dreaded plateau I keep getting to around 5 weeks into training. It's annoying.

But yeah, I think I won't expect much from the new year, and maybe that way it'll suprise me. Besides, it's more fun this way too.

So anyway, I'm off to town. I'll be going to dinner later, and then who knows? The beach? Town? The night is young, and so am I.

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