Friday, December 19, 2008

Beer, beach, and pranks

Well, today was the Bioengineering Institute Christmas function, and boy was it fun! First off we had the Biomimetics Lab Secret Santa (which was efficiently organised courtesy of me). God I chafe under the imposed limitation of a $5 budget for the gifts, but I think I managed to pull through. My recipient was Alex, and I got him two pottles of rather nice jam. He was pretty happy about it too, so I think I did a good job there. Yeah, so if you're ever stuck with a Secret Santa that's on a low budget, and your recipient is a flatting guy or whatever, get him jam. It does well.

Alex's gift was probably one of the more amusing ones. He bought biscuits, and wrapped them up in the morning using not wrapping paper, but rather, rubber nitryl gloves. Yes. It was all too amusing especially when I saw him doing so. 

All in all, I'll say I had tons of fun. Forgot to bring my cam, so no pics sadly (really bad habit of mine with this actually). Played touch for a good hour or so, then helped myself to a good amount of beers, sat in the sun for ages, you know... That kinda stuff. It's summer, and summer's good. I'm now sitting in my chair feeling slightly warm. Not sunburnt though, just very very warm. 

Oh yeah, naturally, it being a Christmas function and all, my Head of Department dressed up as Santa with a slight twist, this one being a gorilla suited Santa. And he gave presents to the little kids! I wanna be a kid too! 

Forgot to mention this, but Tom got one of those trick pens for his Secret Santa gift. You know, the one that shocks you if you hold down the top? Yeah, it was kinda fun. I took it and shocked Alex (him being a most unwilling participant) in the crook of his elbow. Then I took some paper, and went to the HoD and asked him for his email address, proffering him the trick pen. Naturally, he got a nice shock from it, and I kinda kept my distance after that. I tried it on Mike O'Sulivan Jr. (another of the lecturers) as well. Oddly enough, he never seemed to figure out that it was shocking him for the first two tries. He did eventually figure it out though, and that was awesome too. Haha great times.

Oh, Todd got this awesome kids' bow and arrow set! We had a blast shooting people with that too! And I probably drank too much then as well, but then again, I wasn't the only one, so hey, all good =)

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