Wednesday, November 30, 2005

10 Days Left...

Hmm, Will tells me that the colours I use are psychedelic... meh, whatever... too bad if he can't read =P Lolz, back to topic, I'm leaving NZ, (cheer people cheer, and hope I die in the next tsunami eh?) of course I'll be returning (this is where you cross your fingers) on Feb 5th or something like that. I leave on.... Dec 11, Sunday... and I'M GOING TO MISS THE SPM FAREWELL DINNER... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Heh....


Ermm, hmm probably not exactly over... since I still have that idiotic scholarship Calculus exam... but still... it's like 9 days or so of free time!!! And I havn't started packing! Argh! I still havn't bought presents for anyone either! Crap! Shit! Fuck! (my first expletive!!!) heh...

Hmm... ok... enough with the hyper crap, I better go before I do myself more damage...


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