Monday, November 07, 2005

Firstborn and Square-faces...

Heh, today was a rather amusing day... Anyway, let me start. As usual, I'm disturbing Jason, and this was during Maths. Well, needless to say, I used my G2 pen and drew a line on his arm, not very nice as it's inky. Well, I repeated it again, and he threatened me: "Don't do it again, or I'll eat your firstborn..." Hmm... talk about bizarre... Lol... And quite obviously, I repeated it several times, till I think he has to eat 7 of my firstborn, which is impossible if you think about it. And oh yes, I told my Maths teacher, it went:

ME: Miss! Jason said he wanted to eat my firstborn!
Jason: I did not!
Teacher: *lifts eyebrow*


ME: Miss! Jason said he wanted to eat two of my firstborn!
Teacher: Well, given his disorder which you told me about (yeah, I said he had OCD / Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), he won't be able to eat them (because he eats the same thing everyday, kinda)
Jason: *puzzled look*

Heh, it got worse too... with him having to eat Nithin's 5 firstborn.... lolz.... talk about a really strange situation....

Later during the day, last period actually, we had no assembly, and so we got a free period of PE. Well, I suddenly noticed that Jason had a square face, and being as blatant as I usually am, I said it out loud. "Oh my gawd, your face is SQUARE!" And he pushed me off the seat. And then... I said "Square-Face!" and he pushed me off again. And then.... "I don't see what you don't like about being called square faced..." and... you know... I got pushed off again...

Well, lots of other things happened then too, some very disgusting, and some very dodgy, which I will not go into... Anywayz, ciaoz, I'm off for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha...i never knew u wrote these things on blog...oh by the way he was suppsed to eat 8 of my first borns not 5...