Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Joys of Welding

Oh yes, it's joyous indeed. You can barely see anything, so your first weld will probably miss the edge and hit the side of the table before you realise you completely missed the mark and start again. But then you can't find the edge again, so you try and start in the middle of the piece instead, so you backtrack-weld and eventually cause the steel plate to melt because you spent too long trying to weld it. Oh yes, its just so much fun. I could just about kill someone from the sheer enjoyment I derive from it...

Anyway. It's the last day of workshop practice tomorrow, so I'd be rid of this cursed course and can hopefully have more free time (to work) and go to gym. Hm, Smith & Caughey's having a 25% discount sale tomorrow. I must admit I'm quite intrigued by the prospect. Although it'll be undoubtedly pricey, which breaks my heart so. And I want are preppy clothes, which I've never seen anyone but Ralph Lauren, Junya Watanabe, GAP, Gant, et al (there's a few more, but I notice these more) makes. Which basically means no New Zealand label does the look. Sad... since I do like it so... Ah well. =(

Hm, on another note, it'll be Apple's Black Friday event as well tomorrow. So I might take a look tomorrow and see what I want more. At the moment, it'll probably be a toss between this really nice sports jacket by Hugo Boss that I saw at Smith & Caughey's (which will also inadvertently make me broke) or maybe some really nifty Apple thing, like the iPod touch or maybe even, the MacBook Pro (sigh, I wish). Hm. Or maybe I'll get nothing at all. It all depends on the prices of things really, and I'm none too keen to spend what looks like $500 (even after a discount) on the sports jacket since... well... I have my doubts sometimes about things like these. I love it, and will wear it heaps, but can I justify spending at least $500 on it? It'll probably be cheaper if I was in the States or the UK too =(. How sad that prices get inflated to ridiculous amounts when they get here.

Anyways, I'm off. Ciao!

Edit: I was just reading Casey's notes (the Masters student whose project I'm doing some work on for the summer) and I found a sentence that finally describes the kind of work I expect to be doing over the summer with some clarity (stolen from his thesis notes): 
This study hopes to gain understanding of how mechanical forces affect gene expression, cytoskeleton arrangement, and cell to cell signalling in physiology.

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