Monday, November 12, 2007

And no sooner did I declare it as summer for myself, then did the weather decide to intervene and let down showers. Stupid cold showers. Which wasn't so bad since I managed to get home and evade it before it got me. Whew.

Talk about irony.

My goals for this week:
1) Go to gym actively
2) Get my blood test done and over with
3) Pick up my ticket to Melbourne
4) Listen to Jonny Lang's albums. Currently finished "Wander This World", which is thoroughly awesome as blues music. Do try it out.
5) Attempt to spend less, note LESS, not nothing, money on "unnecessary" food and snacks ><

P/S: Informal exam results should be out in 10-ish days!!! *panics and runs into a tree*. In the not so distant future, my specialisation allocations will be released on December 17th. *fingers crossed*


Anonymous said...

omg omg omg omg!! i got blood test to do soon too! lol

gabe said...

omg! really? wow..... what a suprise!