Thursday, August 02, 2007


Spells of weakness. A sore neck, back, and shoulders. Skin that feels hot to the touch. Inability to solve simple problems. Lethargy.

Yes, I'm sick again. This is annoying. The worse time to get sick, with a test tomorrow, another test next week, and work piling up. I guess I did have it coming to me though, with overexerting myself with less than 6 hours of sleep on weeknights.

I'm off to catch some sleep. Perhaps I can squeeze in 11 hours tonight. Can't afford to miss out on my lab. Ciao~


Anonymous said...

awwwww. get well soon!!! hehe and all the best for ur upcoming tests :D

KryS said...

Take care buddy.

The only remedy as good as laughter is perhaps... sleep...