Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hah, so many random things happened today, I'm actually having trouble coming up with a post name for it all. I started my day by snoozing for 30 full minutes, which resulted in me missing my shower and breakfast. Damn. Well, I did wash my hair at least so it wouldn't feel like a dead weight, but I had to rush... Then I got to campus 20 minutes early. Irony indeed. I might as well have eaten breakfast before leaving. Oh well, I decided that I'd get a latte and breakfast anyway. So off I went to POD cafe, when well, I saw this dude studying off the ELECTENG 101 coursenotes. Well, wouldn't have been anything out of the ordinary, but he seemed a little older than most first years to be studying that. So well, yeah, I was waiting on coffee and breakfast, so I stared. Discreetly.

Apparently not too discreetly, since he looked up after a while, and I got caught unawares. And then he greeted me with a nod. I was kinda freaked after that, and just left for philosophy. Haha, all good though, I figured out who he was 5 minutes after when another one of my mates greeted him. Apparently, yes he's like 25 and doing Engineering, after doing a Philosophy degree. Talk about random. And oh, his name is James. We did end up talking later in the afternoon just before I left, and he apparently did a Health Science degree too. Insane...

Anyway, point aside. Philosophy was dull, dull, dull. Apart from a random clip which was used to show how the argument that was presented could be contradicted by using another example. Our argument was that the woman said she would not leave her pet behind if it was feeling peekish. Our counter-example was that a lolly monster (yes, a lolly monster) could come and take her away. And they actually did play a video clip of that. Sadly, it was just a man in some weird costume and mask dragging off the woman, but still, it was pretty hilarious. I did leave after about 1.5 hours, since well... 2 hours of PHIL back to back, well, yeah, you get the picture.

Met up with Richard, Alastair and Rupert just before CHEMMAT, and so we all sat together. David came a little later, but well, the lecture hall was really full, so he was sitting at the aisles. (Yup, we had two streams of CHEMMAT, but a lot of the people assigned to the earlier stream for 8am always come to our stream, the retards.) Not much happened, with a few exceptions:
  • Alastair got his highlighter, an orange one, and made a nice fat stripe on Rupert's cheek, causing Rupert to rub his face furiously in an effort to get it off.
  • Rupert took paper off Alastair and tore it into little bits, you know, confetti-like, then subtly placed them on David's hair.
  • Rupert asked me for confirmation that there were no orange marks on his cheek. I couldn't tell, since his cheek was already reddish then, and he threatened to hurt me if marks were there. Alastair said he'd protect me though =P
  • David figured out that a multitude of little bits of paper were nesting themselves comfortably in his hair when he tried to scratch his head. He was not pleased, I think.
  • I got reminded of what the lecturer was talking about, little granules of the strengthening alloy phase being likened to little pieces of paper. Then I realised how nerdish I was.
I don't think much happened in the lecture after, ELECTENG. I think my brain turned off. At some point later, however, I was in the computer labs helping someone do their MATLAB project. Or rather, I got roped into it. At first, I thought it'd be a quick thing, so I sat on the desk and leaned back till I could see the monitor/type, if you get the gist of it. Eventually Richard came along, and told me to stop posing. I then told him to stop staring. Then he started talking to, uhh, I forgot his name. I then borrowed his CHEMMAT textbook of him, and nearly forgot to return it to him when he was leaving. Or rather, I completely forgot, and he was asking me for it. Whoops.

Did I mention that Bizzy, Busy, (its a nickname, so I have no idea how he wants it spelt) has this odd tendency to tell me strange things? Such as, "I love you, Gabriel". Yeah, he told me that like everytime I met him, which I found amusing. Of course, I said stuff like: "Aww, love you too." Richard looked freaked out. I think he might be a little phobic. It would be fun if he was. Phobic people are fun to freak out. Its sad, but hell yeah, its fun. Which reminds me, there's a homophobic dude in first year, and well, everyone who knows him, or nearly everyone, enjoys making fun of him; either by hitting on him, or doing things of almost homo-erotic nature near him. Suffice to say, his reaction is amusing. Maybe we're just sad.

I fell asleep on the bus, twice, on the same bus ride. And I even nearly missed my stop. That would not be cool, but I am really tired. I would sleep now, but I've got to study for my PHIL test this Friday. Gah. At least I have no exams I guess.

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