Sunday, July 01, 2007

Transformers: A Must-Watch

Yes. I never ever thought I'd be saying this, but Transformers is honestly AWESOME! Yeah, like the kind that makes you want to watch it again, and again. Come to think of it, I can't explain why, words fail me at this point. But its just great. Seriously. Do yourself a favour, and watch it now. DO IT.

You know, I was reading this magazine article, and I came across a mention of some crazy guy in the States who claims to be the Antichrist. So much so that he encourages his followers to tattoo "666" or their forearms. I wouldn't dismiss this straight up, though. He apparently is quite influential, although cult analysts are unsure how much of a "fad" he is at the moment. But most cults are dangerous anyway. It just pains me to see people do things like this.

I mean, I'm not the most fervent Christian, heck, I might as well be considered fully nominal religiously, but its a silly thing to do. Ah well, maybe something will happen to him along the way and it'll just be another stone tossed in the river.

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