Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hm, I forgot to go to Tessa's party. Whoops... Oh well. Whoops.

I think I read into people's behaviours a little too much. Kinda random to say it huh? Yeah well, its not that random since I sorta did that to Malcolm when I was hanging out with him and his groupie, namely Hannah and Kieran. Hannah being Malcolm's crush, or unofficial girlfriend I think. I guess it wasn't a biggie, but oh well, he did seem a tad hostile at the time, which when I mentioned to him off-handedly sometime later he denied, saying he was pressured. Makes sense after all, since he did have a test, but I got him completely worked up about it too. Which made me feel kinda guilty.

Damn. Crazy me. On a really random note, I believe I might be improving at Gin. You know, that card game. And my playing technique at 500 has probably improved through absorbing all that skill from watching Jack and his lot play. Haha.

Have you ever heard the "mathdebate" joke? Its one terrible joke, but oh my, it was completely hilarious in context when Jack was using it on Daniel and Martin. Especially considering they start debates on mathematics.

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