Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Thunder rumbled, and the wind howled ominously. Rain mercilessly poured down in torrents. Like little pebbles they fell, hard and fast. Trees groaned under the unforgiving torment. The dark and oppressive clouds hid the sky and sun. Not a soul could be seen wandering the streets, save for the woman in the black dress.

Purpose and determination marked her every stride as she struggled with the storm. She was once stunning, beautiful beyond compare. Now, age had worn at her, but old remnants of the beauty could still be seen. Her dress was plain, and she had no adornments except for a silver necklace with a little jade pendant.

Finally, she reached her destination, a little cottage with a pine tree. The front door was locked, but locked doors were no impediment to her, and she let herself in with ease. The interior was dark, and had an old, musty smell to it. A voice, a man's voice came from a dark corner.

"So you did come."

"It's time you told me the truth."

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