Saturday, September 16, 2006

My day...

Haha, what a funny day today was... But first, the bad news... I got charged today for my careless naive surfing on the net... Woke up this morning to find my credit balance was: $ 0.00.... I got owned!!! >.<>.< But the upside was, I got a free drink, which apparently was due to release sometime soon, in celebration of halloween... The problem is the flavour... Pumpkin... Ewwwwwwwwww.... Imagine, 2 shots of espresso, with foamed milk for a latte, and with pumpkin syrup... Ugh.,... It tasted so much like pumpkin.... But it was free, so yeah...

Then we went off to Duncan's place, or rather, I got ditched there, cos Chris had to go home for abit... And I helped Duncan clean up the house a little... Well, actually, I kinda stood there most of the time, talking to him while he was cleaning out his room... =P And looking at his primary school photos =P He's so small... and kinda adorable, in a kid adorable way... y'know... I think he kinda resented me saying that, but it's honest fact =P Then Ben came, and Chris came abit later, and Jase couldn't come... oh well...

Let's just say the night passed rather quickly, and I pity the poor people on CS who were listening to what Ben was talking about on the mic... Let's just say, it was pretty... uhh... disgusting and wrong... But it was hilarious at the time he said it... LOLZ... I'm still laughing now... Hehe, home now, since I got a ride home with Chris ^^ Probably going to sleep soon... Ciaoz all~

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