Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Sigh... life is pretty much routine again... for the whole week, nothing, go to st lukes instead of free period with Jase, do assignments on Sat, Sun, and Mon (sometimes even Tues)... go uni on Tues after school, hand them in, go for lecture, talk in tutorial, diss and be dissed... and it's starting to get really annoying... Sara's being a little over the top sometimes... I mean... I can take it being called gay sometimes in jest, but hearing it for like 50 times for just 2 1/2 hours is plain annoying... I mean... I don't even call Jase or anyone I know gay 20 times in 2 1/2 hours... And she should know that everyone has a limit... -_-" .... It's just boring now... Hmm... which reminds me... I forgot to pay for my uni fees >.< oops...

Yeah, then on Sunday nights I go to church with sis and her friends, look at pretty chicks, maybe talk a little, enjoy church service... Then go with sis and her friends for dinner, since my classmates are all too cheap/busy to go out for dinner with me (which is logical, I mean, if you get dinner at home to begin with, why go out and spend more?)

Sigh... as I expected, life is pretty boring once more, and there's nothing to do except disturb Jase all the time... It's pretty fun to disturb Jase about the girls he likes (whom I don't know, since he's evil =P and won't tell me)... but then he'll just go on and tease me about the girls I like (grrr) .... -_-"

You know what? Since he doesn't want to tell me, I probably should tease him about liking guys... I mean... think about it.... it'll be the perfect way to crack the shell ^^ you'd go like... "Why won't you tell me? Is it because they're guys?" Lol... I'm pretty sure anyone would crack under that much pressure... heh... ^^

I must be really bored, considering the fact that I find this entertaining... sigh... I honestly need to find something to do... maybe I should actually start chasing girls instead of just letting them by ^^ ... but then I'll just seem like a player... lol...

So bored, going to library to avoid my mum before she thinks of chores for me to do. Ciao~

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