Monday, February 04, 2008

someday you will find me...

caught beneath the landslide,
in a champagne supernova, a champagne supernova...

I don't claim to have ever understood what a champagne supernova is supposed to mean exactly. I don't think I ever would get it either.

You know what? I've only got one and a half weeks left of summer school. Then 12 days of holidays, and its back to Day 1 once more. Its quick huh? I never thought my summer would be over just like that. Technically though, it still is summer even during college, but it just doesn't feel so much like it anymore.

Stranger still, I find that I really enjoyed summer school. It was brief, and educational I guess, but there was just something to it, a sort of relaxed freedom. Plus, those walks with Richie are kinda fun in itself too, odd as that may sound. I guess I'm willing to do much for company huh.

I think I should get the boys together and organise something, anything. Drinking, barbeque, or just a random table tennis competition. Whatever, the summer's nearly over, and I haven't had my fill of it yet, dammit!

Its gonna be another public holiday this Wednesday... Waitangi Day or something rather. Don't actually ask me what its for, the extent of my knowledge is that its to commemorate either a Tribunal or some Treaty being established between Maori's and the whites. I find that I don't really give a fig about public holidays though. They disrupt my pattern far too much, and I take time to resettle myself. Ah well, I'm sure it'll work out to my benefit eventually.

Alright, gonna grab some gin and tonic.

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