Monday, January 29, 2007

Summery thoughts

There's something about summer that just makes everything seem idyllic... And summer songs kinda reflect that atmosphere. But then again, for some reason these songs have a sad touch to them, almost wistful at times.

Recently, I've got that Weezer song stuck in my head, "Island In The Sun"... Something about it just seems really, well, sad, in a sense. And well... if you took the time to look up the lyrics, you might see why, or then again, maybe its just me.

And it somehow brings to mind another quote, but in Latin this time:
Haec olim meminisse iuvabit - perhaps someday we will look back upon these things with joy.
Something about it is strangely reminiscent of sad events. And I'm well, a sucker for things like these. Perhaps its my strange liking for stories with bittersweet endings.

Another song comes to mind, strangely, by a NZ artist. I find some of her songs quite well, soothing and melancholic, something I always liked. Man, I'm weird... It's called "Say After Me" by Bic Runga. And well, I wouldnt know why, but another quote comes to mind with that song too...
Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur - We choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving.
Perhaps if you looked at the lyrics to this song you'd understand why as well.

If a moment in time could be the sum of the wishes in life, would it be better that the moment was what it was, just a brief flash in the flow of time, like a pebble thrown into the fast flowing river? Yet, we humans are such strange things. We barely notice that things are changing when they perpetually are in motion, and one day we awaken to find that the things we knew have passed, and fallen away into the recesses of time. And in those times, we recall the little individual moments that we treasure. I suppose the sum of the parts are greater than the whole after all.

There are times when well, things feel so temporary to us. I don't know why, but I'm in one of those moods. When everything seems like it'll all fall away, and I'll be left with nothing. Its kinda shaking, and I guess its making me particularly clingy these days... Ah well... Back to more reflections for me.


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