Tuesday, January 09, 2007


It's been like ages since I've dota-ed, but I thought I'd go for another session, since it's always good to hook your friends on it =D I got like 8 other people other than myself to play, for a total of 9:
Me, Jase, Chris, Nithin, JiWin, JiWin's bro, Mihailo, Kent, and Tim. Well, truth to say, it wasn't so bad, but Nithin and Kent never played before, and Mihailo wasn't so far off in regards to that.

Truth to say, it's not like I'm that great either, but everyone else are noobs, so respectively I seem like a good player by a long shot. Which isn't true, but yeah. I had to teach Mihailo, Kent and Nithin. Especially Nithin. God that guy rages me... First off he moves incredibly slow, and his reactions are classically likened to those of a vegetable. Then he sits in base and poringly looks over every item when people are nicely INVADING the World Tree. Objectives, people, objectives. And I don't know how he couldn't pick up the proper use of the hero he was assigned (Raigor Stormhoof, the Earthshaker or rather) considering its as simple as point and click. It's hardly rocket science is it? Even his ultimate was simple. Please click when you have many enemies around you and watch them die. Then he starts asking me heaps of questions, when I'm pretty damn sure I've answered them all, and I get distracted and feed the enemy team. GG NITHIN!! At least Chris finally came along and helped me teach them somewhat better. Kent still managed to screw up by not learning how to use his items properly. It's a true wonder he managed to survive with boots of speed and 5 ring of regens, but I attribute that to the whole map being littered with noobs.

But all in all, putting the noob players aside (oops that's everyone I think) we made some progress. Mihailo caught on pretty well to learning item builds if not how to play. They all still need faster reflexes though. Tim seriously needs some level of common sense playing dota -_-" I mean, item builds are simple. Even I had a minor item build that got me through my noob stages pretty well... JiWin's brother is by all means pathetic both at playing and at item builds. I don't even know how he managed kills with a faulty tinker that relied on Laser and low mana. Oh well...

Meh, enough of rage. The first match was funny though... I randomed King Leoric, and so I ended up with Aegis/Rapier and paired with Reincarnation, it was plain cheap... 1k crits for you! Lol... Proof that me and Jase should never be paired in any dota match with those noobs...

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