Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My New Year's

Went to the bach with Dunc, Chris, Jase and Ben, courtesy of Chris's family =D It was a rather interesting few days that we spent there, I must say... I tried water-skiing twice, but my noobness and the cold water scared me off, and I only made it out of the water anyway, couldn't really stay on... *puts on the nubshoes*

I'm afraid I was a very annoying cunt during new year's eve/new year's morning... I got drunk rapidly and was talking smack and acting like the most irritating fuck ever... which I think I was, come to think of it... I probably should have built up my resistance before that, but I didn't think of it... And I don't know why I was so annoying too, heh =\ I guess it was a bad case of horrid luck... I got a mild hangover on New Year's as well, which made me dizzy until like 3pm, and I had to resort to sleeping to pass most of it, which meant I couldn't go fishing =( My New Year's resolution? Drink less, or build up resistance before doing that... And oh, be a less annoying cunt, which ain't hard, cos I remember trying really hard to be as annoying as I could... Don't ask me why I did that...

Can't really remember everything, so I'm just writing briefly... Unfortunately, we spent most of the time playing 5-way Hearts, and I don't know why... the weather wasn't as good as it should've been... I think we all got kinda raged at one another by the end of it... Which was kinda expected, considering that you spend like 4 or 5 days with just each other mainly 80% of the time...

I'm kinda tired, just got back 2 hours ago from a 3 hour trip... It's Dunc's birthday tomorrow!!! I wanna go to the Big Day Out too, but I'm kinda broke, and I don't have $130-ish to spare... A shame really, Muse, Tool, Blindspot, Lily Allen, The Killers and lots more are all going to be there... ='( BALLS! Ah well, I hope next year's one will be as good, so maybe I'll go then...

I'm off for today/tonight... Ciao~

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