Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I've finally finished my exams. They went alright, I guess. Math was probably the worst one though, since I had the least time to prepare. I think I went alright for Bio and Physiology, I made up crap when I couldn't think of stuff, but it wasn't too bad so I think I'll get away with an B+ or A- for Physiology. Continuum went really well. Better than I expected. Although Math... let's just say it was akin to getting caught with pants down. Out of the 6 questions given (of which you have to choose 5), I could only do 4. To make matters worse, I can't be certain that I was absolutely correct for those questions. I got the nagging feeling that I introduced horrible horrible errors. I'd be lucky to get away with a B+ for that one I think. Disappointing, but 'tis the sad reality of it all.

But as with all post exam events, I went drinking. At Ange's with the rest of them. And goddamn, I got really drunk. I was there from 7 to 11-ish, and by 9 I was through about 2 bottles of wine already. Go figure, I woke up at 5am drunk. I suppose the benefit of that was just that I managed to get some painkillers, sugar, salt, minerals and heaps of water into my system before I woke up at 8:30. That actually alleviated the symptoms of my hangover, to the extent that I was feeling kinda good, although tired and slightly jetlagged by the time we met up at 11 to see Transformers 2. Fun times, that movie.

*SPOILERS FOLLOW* - not that it matters
It was a terrible movie to watch, but CG effects were like OMG. I particularly laughed at various cliches scattered through the film. And I especially laughed at Shia LaBeouf dying and going to heaven where God are the Primes.

Anyway, I'm glad I got the drinking bit out of my system. I had been wanting to get really drunk for some time now. Stress relief and all. Although I might have drunk a little too much, but meh. I'll live. And now time to enjoy the holidays!

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