Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Yeah, you'd think that I'd be writing this post saying I went out with my valentine's and all, but truthfully. I don't have one. That wasn't going to stop me from going out. I went out with the other bachelors today. Well, the ones not in school anyway. Had heaps of fun in the city. Went for Rocky Balboa and then two hours of pool.

Rocky Balboa... What can I say... It was alright I guess, but it isn't the kind of movie I'd recommend for you all. Well... I mean the fight scene at the end, although good, was a tad too short. And it only lasted for like what 30 mins, when the whole movie was 1hr 45 mins. Which means, the only good bit was the last 1/3 of the movie. And then again, they didn't show the whole 10 rounds. And he's just too old. I honestly fell asleep during the first hour, if you must know. Perhaps some people would feel differently about this, but that's what I think about this movie. Do not spend money on it. If you must watch, go get the pirated version, downloaded or otherwise. Or wait till someone gets it on DVD, rented or otherwise. Then borrow/watch it. Seriously.

Other than that, nothing much else to say. I was thinking of going over to Melbourne sometime during this year to visit people, both from Malaysia and New Zealand. Cool eh? We'll see about that though. I have to get it sorted. Maybe I'll go in winter, cos well... Summer I have to work. So winter sounds best. And I turn 18 about winter (southern hemisphere), so that'll be all sweet. Well, off I go then. Ciao.

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