Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Hehe, it's the holidays!!! Hahahaha, so happy school's out, =D ... Our headmaster retired this year, and we had some sort of farewell assembly for him from 1.30 to 2.30 -_-", and yes, the Prime Minister was there again (as always)... For any Malaysians who can't figure out why the PM would even visit the school, it's because my school is in her electorate region, and so she must naturally attend all important functions by our school.

I decided to start taking photos with my phone, but i forgot to upload them at the time I'm writing this blog, so... I'll do it later and put them up under an edit. Hehe, didn't do much today... At Chem, we were supposed to do some practical, but I got distracted, and started taking pics with Carol when she got her digit cam out... lol... And then someone brought a chocolate bunny along, so we broke it (actually, Carol did... we just contributed by helping to eat it)... then for Bio, we started watching the beginning of Sahara... which I've already seen -_-"

Rather tired now, probably going out tomorrow with Jase and Sara, so not going to be blogging tomorrow. I think I might take a little break and bum around all holidays... Should get a job aye? >.<>

Ciaoz for now.

P/S: I've decided to go monochromatic per post, since it hurts my eyes less...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your class... sounds fun. Heh, have a great holiday!