Saturday, October 22, 2005


Havn't been blogging in a while. This was due to my extremely busy holidays with my mum being at home >.< ; and my mum having to spoil my damn comp because she keeps using it, I think she overheated it again. sigh... so now I'm using my sis's crappy laptop to type my blog.

Exams start in about 2 or 3 weeks, and I don't feel like doing them. I return to Malaysia in about 7 weeks or so... School's extremely boring these few days. For some odd reason I seem to be lapsing into little bouts of depression more frequently. Sigh...

Heh, today Chris organized a kind of booze party and he invited Jason. An interesting to note is that Jason has: a) never gotten drunk in his life; b) has never even drunk a beer. So, I expect it will be interesting. It's just sad that it's going to be hard for him to get out, since his parents kinda curfewed him.

I keep getting stuck in writing my book, I don't know why... but the beginning is so hard, I already got everything else planned, just the start ... >,<

Oh well, my sister crashed the car into a pillar yesterday by reversing into it. I have no idea how that happened, it was kinda quick, and I still don't exactly know what happened. Lol, my mum got so pissed, and kinda fried my sister in her skin. I think I'll take some time off at starbucks today and destress -_-"""

On an interesting note, I found out yesterday I got 3rd place for my school in Calculus, and tied with someone I dn't know. Hah! Imagine the irony, a 5th-former beating the crap out of 6-th and 7-th formers in Calculus...

Well, well... I had better get into the shower. Adios.

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