Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Hmm... today is a boring day... Spent half the day worrying about my stupid english dramatic presentation... and then by the time I figured that I was not doing it today (hurray!), it was lunch. Time passes so fast doesn't it? Well... then I didnt feel like playing with my classmates at field... (err what's it called? rugby league? whatever.. forgot) yeah....

By the time I got to my senses, I was in physics study period... and with nothing to do... I basically ended up disturbing jason (hehehehehe... so fun to disturb) till the bell went.... then I spent the remainder of my time at the mall.... of all things....

Gah...everyday's boring.... if it keeps staying like this I'll die screaming of boredom. Hmm.... better get off soon. Well, I don't know when my next post will be... but I will try and add more stuff.

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