Thursday, August 25, 2005


Yeah, today at bio our class got to cut up flowers... That was not the interesting bit. The interesting bit was that after cutting it up, I got so bored. And... I threw the stalk at Ben, this clasmate of mine. This obviously hit him quite hard... (hehehehe) and it started a "flower" fight. So, I got hit by like 4 hard flower buds (really really hard) and leaves, flowers, and stalks... the works.

The suprising thing was that they WERE suprised to see me behaving so... err... unproper? They always think I'm so perfect and such a goody-two shoes. Hah! That showed them =P lolz. I can be evil too (actually, most of the time...) They probably never notice it. =)

Beyond that, there wasn't really anything interesting happening. School was sooooooooooo boring.... I finally did my dramatic presentation (which I thought sucked badly...) and somehow got a merit!! Yay!!!

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