Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Well, yeah, you'd think that just because my exams are over, and my holidays have started, that I'd be having plenty of rest without feeling tired right?

Dead wrong. I'm so exhausted from going to the gym. I swear not one of my body is actually sore from doing only half of the required exercises. Sigh, I need to get myself in shape faster...

Apparently, the new gym programme that I got is a little bit too intense considering that I hadn't been doing much recently, according to another gym instructor. So he was advising that I reduce the number of sets I do from 5 to 3, then up it progressively in a few weeks time. I'll try following his advice.

Met Maxim again today, after meeting him yesterday at gym. He's good. Well, compared to me, he is. I have to work harder...

Napped for like 3 hours as soon as I got home from gym. Yeah I was really that tired. And finally got Halo 2 to install itself. Turns out I was doing something wrong all along, well, whatever. It works now, I think.

I've recently got the "Where You Lead" song stuck in my head. If no one can place it, its well-known as the Gilmore Girls opening credits song. Speaking of which, Gilmore Girls is finished. I only know 'cause my sister watches it every Sunday when they show it here, but its not a bad show. I found myself analyzing their story-telling techniques. They use a lot of symbolism, which I don't mind, and they have the occasional sarcastic humour, which is always a plus. Although sometimes they get too girly and mushy, which is well, only to be expected. So I still don't really like it that much. I'd rather watch House any day.

I really should get started on watching Heroes, but there's just so much to start with, I don't know if I can really be bothered with it...

Anyway, written enough for the moment I believe. See ya soon.

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