Monday, August 10, 2009


I just realised this blog has been dying on me, just a little. Thought I'd take some time off my assignments and dwell on the past few weeks. It's just been a whirlwind and all, really. I mean, the holidays, the Stein, Marcel's 21st... Assignments... And I get my project tomorrow too. It's gonna be sooooooooo busy.

The Stein was pretty meh really, it was rather tame for some reason I couldn't quite put my finger on. Place was awesome, but I think people having pint glasses made it a bit more of a civilised affair (which ain't fun for a Stein), and there was something odd about the dance floors. Just kinda strange. I mean, me not drinking much that night (just 4 pints or so) might have helped, but I dunno. Strangely disappointing, and I wasn't the only one who thought so. On the other hand, I saw heaps of my former classmates from high school. Kinda surreal really.

Marcel's 21st went kinda funnily. I started out deciding I'd actually not drink, which made sense since it was BYO. Then an hour in, I decided that everyone around me was drinking and I wanted one. So across the road I went to a liquor store and bought a bottle of wine. Just one bottle too (I'm proud of myself). Which I then finished. Oh, not that quickly, mind you. I'm not an alcoholic after all =P Maybe like... an hour? I reckon that was fairly slow. There was this really drunk guy who was dancing and stuff, and he knew the whole YMCA dance. Kinda amusing. A huge amount of the songs there were like blasts from the past. Nice in a way too.

But yeah, the next thing coming up is the ball, although that isn't for two weeks. Kinda looking forward to it because it would be a bit of a breather from all this work. I really want to scream, and the semester is already 1/4 of the way in. Argh!

I haven't caught up with Richie in a while... Maybe I should...

Speaking of which, I finally started going back to the gym again (during the holidays)... And I gained a little more weight (which I'm attributing to my legs, I think). I now weigh 69 kg's. Not sure that it's a significant gain for my goals, but it's progress. Although my back (cursed weakness) is getting in the way of me doing heavier deadlifts. I keep failing miserably because it becomes tough to keep it straight. Ah well, I have a while if I keep going at it. I think I should reach my body weight, upper-body wise in the next 8 weeks or so.

Another thing I can hardly understand is why people think I'm out there to get all big and stuff. I'm not, really. My body type isn't really suited for this, I'm more of the lean sort. It's easier for me to get stronger than it is for me to get bigger. Provided I do this properly, size should come as a side effect anyway, and I'm not too fussed about it, so long as I don't get ridiculous. I should really watch my technique with the exercises though, I can see myself slipping with some of them (wrists not perfect, back not straight) occasionally. Not that it's too severe, since I stop myself, but it's an annoying impedance.

I really should be getting ready for bed. Then, a whole day of work tomorrow for me. There is no rest for the wicked.

1 comment:

admin said...

Well, remember that no matter how little you post on the blog, every post is read! =)

All the best, I'm busy too... as well as the group called EVERYBODY.