Sunday, March 09, 2008


Alright, I officially am confused as to whether I was "awake" and being soooo wasted like Sam claimed I was last night/this morning. I remember going to sleep at about 1... but well yeah, let's just say I was told that I was still awake and crazy. Don't remember any of it too. Shit.

Not like I haven't drunk this much before, but I've never had memory loss. Oh no! What's happening to me?! Well, at least nothing awkward happened, or at least I'm not aware of it, since I didn't wake up in any awkward positions, so it must be all good ah? Lol...

And Danny has got like a crush on Arnold's neighbor, haha. This will be fun to watch. Sigh, if only I had a higher alcohol tolerance, or if I got waaaay more sleep on Friday night. So much for taking a nap and waking up at 4am instead.

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