Thursday, October 25, 2007

38 Things Unraveled

1. Name one person who made you laugh last night.
Richard - I can't remember what about though.

2. What were you doing at 0800?
Sleeping - I had to rest up for my exam in the afternoon.

3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Talking on the phone to Mihailo.

4. What happened to you in 2006?
Was in my self-announced last year of high school. Nothing very unusual happened.

5. What was the last thing you said out loud?

6. How many beverages have you had today?
Uhm, Powerade, FreshUp, milk tea... 3 I guess?

7. What colour is your hairbrush?
Don't own one... Don't even have a comb.

8. What was the last thing you paid for?
Food, which was gooood.

9. Where were you last night?
Home, chillin' and semi-studying.

10. What colour is your front door?
White, its painted wood.

11. Where do you keep your change?
In the pocket of my jeans, my wallet has no change pouch.

12. What’s the weather like today?
Cloudy, overcast with a little sun. Kind of nice and cool.

13. What’s the best ice-cream flavour?
Chocolate or vanilla... Can't decide...

14. What excites you?
Lots... Concerts, food, coffee, meeting friends, going out...

15. Do you want to cut your hair?
Absolutely, its getting too long for my taste (as in almost getting a mullet and its over my ears), which I find to be distasteful.

16. Are you over the age of 25?
Nope, and happy to be young still.

17. Do you talk a lot?
With people I'm familiar with, yeah... Hm, not entirely true... I guess I'd say with most people I'm familiar with.

18. Do you watch the O.C.?
Followed it briefly, then fell out of it. I know people who do though...

19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
Uhm, do I...? I don't remember, since I have a hard time with names. I'd say no though...

20. Do you make up your own words?

21. Are you a jealous person?
Sometimes. Depends I guess.

22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’
Alastair - who never ceases to amuse me; and who is responsible for at least 20 people calling me alternately by Gabriel or Damien.

23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’
Karthik - Part of the "struggling" circle, who's going to do Civil (because he wants to -_-"). Always asks me questions regarding study.

24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?

25. What does the last text message you received say?
Hmm.... from Alastair: "Wer yo b chiln negro?" I think he was looking for me when I was studying with Richard.

26. Do you chew on your straw?
No...... why would anyone do that? I don't have a habit of chewing on anything that isn't food or gum.

27. Do you have curly hair?
Never did, never will. My hair stays straight.

28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
Campus, gotta finish off my Philosophy assignment.

29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
Uhm. Memory's hazy, so I'd go with Karthik, since he was swearing profusely, like twice per sentence.

30. What was the last thing you ate?
Mmm, sushi....

31. Will you get married in the future?
Maybe, who knows?

32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
Don't think I've actually watched a movie for a while, eh? The last one I saw was "The Bourne Ultimatum"... too busy...

33. Is there anyone you like now?
Duh. More than one, in fact.

34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
Uhm, err... this morning?

35. Are you currently depressed?

36. Did you cry today?

37. Why did you answer and post this?
I was bored, and I read Sandra's post, and I felt compelled to post too.

38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
I don't tag. Its unkind to compel people to do something against their own will. Except when its for the greater good, of course, which opens up a whole bunch of ethical discussions.


Anonymous said...

another good thing being a dont have to comb ur hair! :D

eDine said...

i chew on my straw.sometimes haha. and why do they want us to type that word verification thing anyway.

gabe said...

well, I guess I could disable it, but I had lots of spam when I did that...