Saturday, July 28, 2007

lost moments

One must wonder how the quickly time can pass. In a blink of the eye, the years pass, and events come to be. People, too, come and go, and sometimes in our rapid motion, we do not even pause to acknowledge them. We just step forward, and it all becomes a blur.

But yet, when we look back on these moments, only then do we realise the magic contained. If only we could pull ourselves back, so we could better appreciate the lost time. But time, that inexorable pull, draws us on, and we can do nothing but gaze upon lost opportunities.

But even through the regret, one must also realise that these moments are precious. Precious enough that someday we will look back and smile. Be it that those may have been times of great tension, strife, or laughter, like the axiom "a rose is a rose is a rose", we then only see how, happy or otherwise, it was a memory nevertheless, and such memories form a part of us.

As some say, however, to see the rainbow you must first have the rain. So endure we shall, and endure we must. Let us strengthen our resolve then, that we do not put to waste such treasured moments, that we do not let opportunities pass us by. Someday we will see the rainbow just over the horizon, and it shall become another memory in our hearts.

Haec Olim Meminisse Iuvabit
-"Perhaps, we'll look back at this and smile", Virgil-

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