Saturday, March 03, 2007


Yeah, my uni's dull. Orientation was a failure, in my opinion at least, and lectures are really really dull. Had trouble staying awake through any of them, with the exception of Mechanics. Math Modeling 2 was so boring that it was a miracle I made it through alive, although asleep. And yes, I have a test based on Math Modeling 1 next Wednesday. Serve me right for doing it last year. I really can't remember a thing from it. >_> Looks like I might fail the test, and it's worth 10% of my final grade even. Grr...

At least its kinda picking up, albeit a little too slow for my taste. Don't know what clubs I should join really, way too many to pick from. Don't exactly feel like joining purely Asian clubs, but then again, I'm at a loss, especially because I don't want to join the Drinking Club.

And I don't know what is it with all the first year classes wanting to give diagnostic tests. Like Bio/Chem. It was so simple that if I failed to ace it, I'd personally kick myself in the ass. Well, figuratively of course. But it was so unbelievably easy anyway. Like this:

Which of the following is not an organ?
a) Skin b) Lungs c)Large intestine d)Heart e)Muscle

Wow... that was hard wasn't it? You get the picture.

Anyway, gotta run. Lantern festival's being held all through this weekend. Maybe I'll go tomorrow night. Ciao.

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