Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Results! Engineering! OMGWTFBBQ!

Lol... Funny day. Went to Jase's yesterday, and like slept at 6am. -_-" Woke up dead tired, then found out that results were out online. Went on to check, and it was really funny (NA - Not Achieved, SNA - Standard Not Attempted, A - Achieved, M - Merit, E - Excellence):

Biology Level 2 RESULT CREDITS
90459 Describe genetic variation and change M 3
90461 Describe concepts and processes relating to ecology M 3
90462 Describe diversity in the structure and function of animals A 3
90464 Describe cell structure and function M 3
Chemistry Level 3 RESULT CREDITS
90696 Describe oxidation-reduction processes M 3
90698 Describe aspects of organic chemistry A 5
90700 Describe properties of aqueous systems E 5
90780 Describe properties of particles and thermochemical principles A 5
English Level 3 RESULT CREDITS
90721 Respond critically to written text(s) studied N
90722 Respond critically to Shakespearean drama studied N
90723 Respond critically to oral or visual text studied SNA
90724 Read and respond critically to unfamiliar prose and poetry texts M 3
Mathematics Level 3 RESULT CREDITS
90642 Calculate confidence intervals for population parameters E 3
90643 Solve straightforward problems involving probability E 4
90644 Solve equations M 4
90646 Use probability distribution models to solve straightforward problems E 4
Physics Level 3 RESULT CREDITS
90520 Demonstrate understanding of wave systems M 4
90521 Demonstrate understanding of mechanical systems M 6
90522 Demonstrate understanding of atoms, photons and nuclei M 3
90523 Demonstrate understanding of electrical systems M 6

English was funny =D I failed 3 of the externals, and passed one. I still did alright for my internals, E for all three of them, but I couldn't be bothered when I was doing my English exam, so lol... And I think I did pretty fine for my exams considering the little effort I put in. I don't want to look at my Scholarship results though, that'd be horrible =\

And I checked NDeva today (Auckland Uni's student thingy) and I got accepted into Engineering!!! Yay!!! Hehe, I'm happy. That's it for today, I'm really tired with like 4 hours of sleep.

1 comment:

gabe said...

lol, didn't think you'd want a BBQ =P come over to auckland and i'll have one if it's still summer then ^^ you hungry guy...