Friday, December 01, 2006


Well, not really, but I just have one more, and it's on the f***ing weekend!!! ARGHH!!! So yeah, I might not go to it anyway... I can't believe I haven't even studied for any of them, come to think of it...

I got a letter from school telling me that I won prizes of some sort for the prizegiving ceremony. So I went to check it out, and apparently I won 1st in English and 4th equal in Stats, and some other stuff... Well, the only thing I care is how much money do I get for it? Otherwise I can't be bothered going, even if I get to shake the Prime Minister's hand again. She seriously has too much time, considering she's been to our school like two or three times this year already...

I should begin my jobhunt in earnest, aye... I kinda want the cash, come to think of it. Smith & Caugheys had tis 25% reduction of all their clothes and merchandise, which wasn't too bad... It's like 1/4 off CK, Armani (all the Armani's), Ralph Lauren, etc etc etc... You get the picture... Too bad I didn't find anything I liked (or could afford, I'm not thaaat rich =P)

I should get some sleep... I was so tired last night that a few shots of whiskey was enough to black me out completely... Luckily I had the decency to put the bottle away and climb into bed... Alright, ciao~

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