Well, made this post a lil' late, but yeah... Was kinda busy last night, so...
Saw Silent Hill with chris yesterday... Well, it wasn't going to be just us, but things came up, so >.< Hehe, it was actually not too bad, just four main issues imo:
a) there is no story, and so the movie goes to crap after a while
b) similarly, there are characters, but you know almost next to nothing about some of them
c) extremely gruesomely disgustingly revoltingly bloody, especially the mortality scenes at the end
d) dumb ending... what do you mean she's STILL in the alternate reality?!
but yeah, it was otherwise perfectly fine, it managed to convey the mood pretty well, and pyramid head looked perfect for a scary movie parody ^^
Earlier on Friday, jase found (actually stole from the idiotic Chem teacher ^^ =P) mini Post-Its... and hilarity ensued... =D Perhaps 'cos it was a Friday and all that... We stuck Post-Its that read "I sat on a POST-IT" on people's seats in assembly so when they sat down it'll be on their asses... LOLZ... Call me silly, but that was rather amusing for a while...
Can't believe exams are starting next thurs... And I haven't studied!!! Arghh!!!! I somehow have a bad feeling about my exam results for this term, which can't be good... considering they're my forecast results to get into engineering next year... >.< -_-" *sigh* I hate stats, and english too... DAMN YOU OTHELLO!!! Why couldn't we do manga as literature? It's so much easier... just go copy and paste for the picture... and voila! Done!!! =P
Heh, wasting precious time not studying, so better at least start revising Stats, or Physics, or Bio, or English, or even Scholarship..... stress.......
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