I've been having odd dreams lately. They always involve me being a survivor of some sort by freak chance of some apocalyptic event, like an ice age, nuclear fallout, rapture, etc. And the world is always in ruins of some sort, and really dystopian (as one would thus expect). Society has broken down to basic banditry, and violence is rather common. Somehow people manage to cling on to certain oddities of society, such as currency.
Last night was no different. Every night I have different companions in this dreamworld, and this time it was Richie. I suppose I "entered" the dream at the same time I awoke in it in a groggy state from having been near a patch of some weird gas being emitted from some cracks in the ground. I think it registered in my head at the time that it was carbon dioxide and some other miscellaneous gases, and that they somehow caused nausea and/or extreme drowsiness.
Iain was fashioning some sort of device to let the gas build up around the area, since it's a rather dense gas, into a sort of pseudo-fence about some wider area. I think it was the area we lived in, or maybe it was some sort of place we wanted to protect. It seemed to make sense at the time, but I wouldn't know for the life of me now what would have been in it. Obviously it was important.
So anyway, me and Richie were going down to the nearest settlement to buy food. I don't remember how long we were walking along, or where we were. I do remember that looking at the bush and shrubs about the place, it could have been any temperate country, no jungle stuff. Although it was a little warmer than one would expect for a temperate country. And the earth looked a little baked. I remember things being rather yellowed somehow.
So anyway, along the way are all these decrepit buildings, some of which are in obvious states of disrepair. Somehow there was a carpark which was rather intact, but I'll get back to that later. We get to the settlement which looks a little like some old town center. Here's the one oddity I remember from the dream. Somehow, Burger King and MacDonald's were operating. No idea what they were serving, but I remember regarding it with disdain, although I regard it with some disgust in real life anyway, so maybe that wasn't relevant aye?
We get to some place which behaved like a supermarket I guess. Not that it was anything close to it, kinda weird and stuff. Hm, I guess it was about now I realised that the sun was a little hotter than normal. Me and Richie buy some food, and somehow (I have absolutely no idea why) decided that a good form of protection would be to get some sort of syringes with very strong tranquilisers in them. Sorta like darts I guess. I think it had something to do with us not being to afford guns, or maybe guns were rare. I don't remember why, but I knew it wasn't possible for us to get any. Although now that I wonder about it, why not knives? I guess we must have had knives.
We begin the long trek home, and back through the carpark. Along the way, we realise that we're being followed. Its kind of obvious really, I guess, since he wasn't making any effort about it. Big hulking fellow. Scary in the way that he's just tall and huge. And he had this grin on his face, as if he knew he was going to catch up to us somehow. And he walked fast too. Us hurrying along didn't help much either, since he somehow closed the gap by the time we reached the second flight of stairs.
Here comes the second part which didn't make sense. Richie suddenly said something like... "Hey Gabe,...." followed by a string of numbers. Well, this string of numbers was something in the logic of the kind of numbers that you input into a calculator and turn upside down, and it forms a word? Like how 01134 makes hello? Anyway, no idea what the numbers were, but the gist of it was something along the lines of "We're in trouble". And that we were too.
He had definitely caught up to us, and there was no knowing what he wanted. I guess he wanted our money and food and whatnot, but like we'd want to get robbed, knowing we'd probably die as well. Thing was though, he was kind of big, and there would be no way we could take him down. Unless those tranquilisers would work. And they're pretty obvious, you know.
We got them out anyway, since you know, might as well try. And he charged.
I then woke up, feeling utterly confused.
Yeah, no idea where these dreams are coming from, but they're pretty weird. Not weird enough to spook me, but just somewhat disquieting. The strangest thing I found is not that I wake up just as something is about to happen to me, but its more of the fact that I kind of wake up as if I told myself to wake up. I don't really know how to explain it, but it just felt like I had to wake up, and I did. Not that it was a vivid dream, since it didn't feel completely real, and I hear in vivid dreams you can control things around you, but it certainly somehow seemed real, and yet surreal somehow.
Yeah, so that was my weird dream today. Thought I'd share, since well, I got rather bothered this morning over it.