Saturday, August 30, 2008

I intentionally wrote it out to be an illegible mess.
You wanted me to write you letters, but I'd rather lose your address
and forget that we'd ever met and what did or did not occur.
Sitting in the station, its all a blur
of dance hall hips, pretentious quips,
a boxer's bob and weave.

I never thought...

... that I'd be called a party animal. By my friends that is. The ones I knew from school, the high school in Auckland where I was already pretty social. Yeah, I found it remarkably odd. I thought all of us, as a group were pretty social and party-going. I guess I was wrong. I don't really know my group after all, huh?

I spent pretty much the night at Shadz (Shadows, the student bar) tonight. Met up with like all the first year engineering students whom I kinda knew prior, but hey, now I know all of em! I think. I've kinda forgotten their names. Also met some random chicks from uhhh.... crap. I forgot who they were and where they were from. Only that one of them was kinda nice.

I got ditched by my group pretty early in the night, so I, yeah, pretty much just socialised with the first year engineering guys, and the others from Biomedical Sciences (pre-meds and all). Including Gayle, whom I met through Malcolm. Never knew she'd be such a social party-goer too. She really suprised me there. I danced with everyone tonight it seems. That was fun.

Fun, fun, fun. And EngSci's dinner is later tonight too! YEAH!!! And we be going to town again! That's twice in a row! I love it when there's a break. Thank god for the midsemester break.

Alright, gym tomorrow before pre-pre-drinks at Tessa's, so I better sleep now and get enough rest for gym and the long night ahead. Ciao peeps.

P/S: I just decided to re-read it (on a whim, like 2 minutes after) and I realise I sound pretty drunk and rant-y. Well, too bad, I am still tipsy, you know, the one where you were drunk, but are sobering up pretty rapidly? Yeah, that one.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Eddie's at the Mexican Cafe

Yeah, hardly an original post title, but I haven't the time to inspire myself creatively and think of a more original awe-inspiring post title for myself. Blame it on assignments and stress.

Eddie's birthday was this Friday, but for some magically odd reason he decided to have it tonight. So I had to ditch the Wine & Cheese Careers Evening (WINE AND CHEESE!!! NOOOOO!!!) to go to the Mexican Cafe. Which was alright, since I'm now as bloated as a mother in her third trimester of pregnancy. You get the idea. And the Margaritas were awesome too.

For starters, most of the people there were Eddie and Faith's (Eddie's longtime girlfriend of uhm, maybe a year or two? I lost track) work mates from Village Skycity (the movies). I was definitely suprised to find that I knew like... at least 3 people there. First off, Chris Holdaway, my mate from school who I kept bumping into this semester. He kept scaring the shit outta me 'cos I never expected to see him. Turns out he works there too. Then there's Emily (Biomedical Engineer in second year with me). Turns out her boyfriend works there too. Then there's Alban, whom I know through Lucy, who was Alastair's girlfriend. Turns out he used to work there. Small world huh?

I even met a fellow Malaysian, who was from Kuching even. If anyone knows/knew a girl who went to both St. Theresa's and St. Mary's and who hangs out with Lodgians from time to time from the class of '89 (she left before she finished though, Form 2 maybe?) and knows Andrew Bong (oops, who doesn't?) called Serena Pang, also cousins with a Noel Pang? That's her. And she knows some of my second year mates from Lynfield College to boot. Wow. Very small world.

Dinner was awesome. I was kinda full before the mains even came, which was uhm... weird, considering me. Maybe it was just tonight or something. But boy, when those mains came, I was like soooo full once I was halfway done. Managed to stuff it down, but wow. Full full full. I stood up at some point and my belly hurt. Hurt from fullness. And all for $30 too. Not bad huh, considering the cake, appetisers and mains.

I forgot what I had, well I can't remember its name. All I know is its Mexican styled meat (like beef or chicken) wrapped in like a tortilla skin, and then deep fried, served with a side of Mexican rice, salad and beans. Pretty good, but I don't remember what it's called anymore. So so bloated though, I'll have to work doubly hard at gym tomorrow to make up for that. And now for sleep...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Time and time again

Well, this is sort of a double entendre for me, even though in truth it isn't. Yeah, my thinking logic is a little wild, but hey, what gives? I kinda get this feeling that I'm running out of time, but I don't know what I'm meant to be doing. Okay, not exactly that way either, but its just an odd feeling. If someone has an alternate explanation for what I'm going through, I'd thoroughly welcome it.

Also, I'm always feeling bored these days. Call it a sense of repetition or deja vu or whatever it is, but I feel like I'm doing the same things all the time, even if I've never done it before, or if its something relatively new.

Hm, maybe I'm just sick of winter, and the rain in snow-proof Auckland. When will summer come and let me spend my days in idyllic bliss and warmth?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Time to start working hard again

Yup, it looks like my cruise-y days are ending once more with the handing out of Project 1 for Object Oriented Programming and a project-like "lab" for BioInstrumentation. Which really has nothing to do with BioInstrumentation. Well, I guess the theory behind it is, but practically, if you could come up with a link between being able to sort blue and white marbles using an inductor, a LDR and an LED into separately coloured piles, be my guess. And oh yes, the inductor has a pin that allows you to push the marbles around.

Does sound kinda fun though, since Instrumentation has been boring as hell these few days. Although I don't like the sound of LabView as much, but oh well, I'll live.

Still a little sick, but hey, should be fine by the end of this week I hope. Nose still runny as hell, which has got to the most annoying thing, apart from the coughing. Well, I'm off.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Sick... again

Yeah, I had a relapse. Going to the Stein yesterday may not have been the best idea since I'm now sick as a dog. On the other hand, that stein was totally fun. I met up with a whole group of first years, as well as second years. Somehow, unsurprisingly, Jack and his mates were there too (I kinda expected it though, seeing as they were at the commerce stein too).

I went as a drug tester to the Olympic-themed stein. Well, I was feeling lazy and unoriginal, so I just chucked on my lab coat (I had finished my lab just a few hours ago, so I kept it on pretty much), and changed into track pants. Amazingly, some people managed to guess what I was, although most couldn't. I got random things too, like Drug Doper from this first year dude, who referred to me as that when I bumped into him today. I think he's called Matt. Meh, never good with names.

And there were random chicks who kept giving me hugs and kisses. Claiming that I knew them forever. I was like "Yeah, sure" at that point, since I had no idea who the fuck they were. Besides, who's going turn down attention? Hehe. I can't remember their names anyway. I swear every time I turned around there would be some other chick I never met before (although I made that mistake to Ange and Sara, whoops). At some point I stole this chick's wig which was some sort of bright ginger coloured DragonBall-Z like thing (she was meant to be the flame, torch, whatever). Uhm, like the Super Saiyan. I put it on and did some cheap poses. It was pretty amusing.

Not to mention the cheap beer does wonders, $1 Tui's sure make a light dent on your wallet. At some point in the night I stopped buying drinks 'cause I kept getting some from mates who would buy stashes of 5 or so beers and give them away. (Who's gonna hold on to 5 beers anyway? 2 at most I reckon). There were lots of chicks dressed at tennis players too. Not that I'm complaining, some of them were pretty hot in white, and those short skirts... Wow.

On other news, the last few days have been real dull anyway. I studied the human brain and got to play with an actual one too (although plasticized). It was kinda icky and weird. I stopped thinking of it as a real brain at some point. Plus, I was feeling sick on the day, so I got impatient with the TA's and was contemplating throwing the brain at them to get them to hurry up. Hehe, you know me.

I sometimes feel like I'm becoming more distanced from my peerage (former) from high school. You know, the ones in my year, before I left school a year early. I saw them only for like 10 minutes every single time, before I would bugger off and socialise with my other mates. Then again, I suppose I've always been a bit of a drifter in that sense, but ahh, you know, just that feeling that I'm not as close to them as I used to be. Then there's the fact that few of them drink, or that most are unwilling to go to Steins and student-related functions. (Not that I'm saying that you have to drink copious amounts, its a social thing anyway).

I've also noticed that Biomedical Engineering & Engineering Science (since we're pretty small, 25 in BME and 50 in ES; and we share quite a few classes in common sometimes) are starting to separate into two distinct cliques: The drinkers (primarily composed of whites, maybe with the exception of two Asians, me and I think JP, maybe one or two other Asians), and the non-drinkers (primarily composed of Asians, with the exception of a few whites). Then again, you could kind of tell that the clique was settling nicely into place anyway, from the onset of the EngSci/BME fieldtrip; when the drinkers partied and went to town and the non-drinkers just played cards.

Haha, I better get to bed. This cold/flu/whatever is really doing a number on me. I'm like really tired, my voice sounds funny, and I'm coughing heaps. Yay for sickness. Anyway, cya for now.

P/S: Jack pointed out this amusing video that Paris Hilton uploaded in retaliation to being mocked by McCain in his ad against Obama. Its pure gold. You just HAVE to watch it.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Rule No. 108

Rule number 108: The road to hell is not paved with good intentions. The road to hell is paved with smooth-jazz CDs, herbal teas, John Tesh specials, and low-fat cheese.

I found this off a book from Esquire Magazines, The Rules.